Shutter is more than just another Canon camera remote, it gives you superior wireless access to many other features such as composition and exposure assist, intervalometer, exposure bracketing and more.
Get more control of your camera from a distance with this iOS app.
With Shutter you can access more of your camera’s controls and manage settings wirelessly or va USB. Check the camera compatibility for the exact features supported by your model.
I often prefer to use an iPad to the touchscreen on my EOS RP, especially to show other people what the camera is seeing, such as during the solar eclipse. I also wanted to use the intervalometer to record an image every minute, but that functionality is disabled on the camera while connected to wi-fi, and Connect does not have that feature. So I can view on an iPad, or use the intervalometer, but not both.
Shutter does have this functionality, as well as the standard shutter, aperture, etc controls.
Also, my model allows a bulb timer, but only for one shot. So I can take one image of 60 seconds, for instance, but the intervalometer function is then disabled. I can’t take a series of images longer than 30 seconds.
Shutter also resolves this, allowing me to take any number of long exposures.
04/11/2024 – Review on the App Store
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